Endless teasing, non-existent cleavage and being called a boy? These are just some of the daily struggles of being a woman with small boobs. Apparently, having breasts that defy gravity – no matter what age you are – is a problem. Society in general seems to think only C-cups or larger are truly feminine. What about the As and Bs? They’ve got curves too! And though they might not be as out there as is the case with our more well endowed counterparts, doesn’t mean they don’t have them! And do these struggles mean you need implants or that you’re not a woman enough? No! It means you have the perfect size and that others just don’t understand. If you’re part of the population that has been graced with a smaller bust, chances are that you’ve experienced all these struggles at some point in your life and can definitely relate.
1. Low cut shirts are useless:
Low cut shirts are great. The problem is, you need larger breasts to fill in the shirt and keep it from simply falling open every time you move. Walking around with a hand on your chest every time you need to bend is quite frankly a pain. And this wouldn’t be such as problem if the designers could take into consideration that not all of us walk around with the breasts that are required to fill out a form fitting V-neck t shirt.
2. You certainly don’t need a push-up bra:
Push up bras in smaller cup sizes are not only a strange concept- they neither look nor feel comfortable- and every time I see a push-up bra in an A, I know what I will not be buying. Honestly, can someone tell me what the point is? Yes, considering the smaller size of the chest, one would like to wear a bra with more padding than cup space, but it’s weird, unnecessary and uncomfortable. If you’re breasts are on the smaller size, they can probably stay in place without the help of a push up bra.
3. Zero padding:
Excuse me. Just cause some women have breasts that are smaller, doesn’t mean that they don’t have nipples. The only reason for a small chested woman to wear a bra is to avoid poking through her top, So why would they come without any padding?! Once again, a pointless bra. All the women want is a bra that prevents their nipples from making a regular appearance, and that’s definitely not happening with ZERO padding. Keep up lingerie companies!
4. No, I’m not thinking about implants:
Could you be any ruder? Small chested women are certainly not lacking and neither should they made to feel as such. Small breasts don’t mean that they’re unhappy with the way they look, it just means you’re insensitive. And have you considered the plus points? Their backs don’t hurt, they can run with less worry of their boobs hitting them in the face and they can still be considered sexy. If you want to get implants, your call honey. But don’t make them out to seem like a requirement because they don’t measure up to your standards, chances are that most women don’t really care.
5. You’ve tried to fake your size:
Women take a while to come to terms with their bodies, what ever shape and size they may be; adolescence is a time of great trial and error, and finally acceptance. And for women with smaller breasts, chances are that you’ve tried to do what you can to enhance your looks. Before we learn to love our bodies- and the flatter chests- we do stupid things like wear those extra padded bras. That’s great until you meet someone and it’s time for the bra to come off; they’re probably not only going to be put off that it’s something you feel like you need to hide, but also the fact you go to such lengths to hide it! If you’re considering stuffing your breasts with a little extra, you probably need to reconsider your decision; ditch that man and ditch the stuffing! You’re gorgeous just the way you are girl.
6. You wish food went to your breasts:
Why is it anything fatty you eat goes straight to your tummy or thighs? You’ve probably felt that sting of envy when you see a fabulous cleavage, I know that I do! And when you see your large chested friends proudly showing off their cleavage, you hope that next slice of pizza boosts you up a cup size. Sadly that approach doesn’t work; all it does is make every other part of your larger and you’re still lamenting the lack of the cleave. Not to worry ladies, there are worse things that could happen to you.
7. There are guys with bigger boobs:
This one is a little upsetting at times; I admit I feel a little less confident about my curves when I see a man with bigger boobs than me. While they’re not attractive, at the same time, it’s a little uncomfortable seeing a guy more well-endowed on top than you are.
8. You know strapless anything is a big NO:
Tube tops and strapless dresses need something to hold them in place. The flatter the chest, the more easily they fall off. Is it impossible to wear them? No, but it is a pain. You’ll definitely spend more time pulling them up. Plus, finding a strapless bra that doesn’t make you look several sizes bigger, and that is constantly poking you in the chest is a treasure hunt that you really do not want to go on; chances are that you’ll probably be disappointed in the end.
9. You’ve been mistaken for a boy:
Small breasts do not make you less feminine and it’s a shame that some people haven’t realised this yet, but women aren’t all made the same. Not only are these people ignorant and insensitive, what they say goes a long way in determining how a woman sees herself. If people were a little more accepting and not so quick to judge if they don’t measure up to a certain standard, we’d have a lot more confident ladies around. And what a world that would be!
10. Everyone thinks you’re 12.
It’s flattering that everyone seems to think you’re younger than you are. The problem is, you don’t really want people thinking you’re a tween. Breasts certainly do not equal maturity; just because you stopped at an A, doesn’t mean you’re not a woman!
The amount of time women- and men- obsess over the size of breasts and the amount of effort that goes into maintaining a certain image in this day and age, is quite frankly a little upsetting. There are worse things happening in the world out there and the size of one’s breasts, no matter how small or large they are, is one of the most trivial things that we can be concerning ourselves with. Ladies, no matter what size you are, and no matter what society tells you, you’re exactly the person you need to be.
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