how to stop hair fall naturally at home

Many times when you comb your hair, some of your hair strands fall off from your head. This is a very common thing that happens for almost everyone. Sometimes you may see no stands falling off from your hair, but other times you may see a bunch. Hair fall can be caused due to multiple reasons including hormones, use of the wrong product, dryness, pulling hair too tight etc. For an average human, losing 50-100 hair a day is common. People who have bald spots lose hair slightly more in comparison to others.

Tresses are a direct expression of the personality and style of the individual, called ‘crowning glory.’ Excessive hair loss can be an issue that causes concern and has an impact on self-esteem, in particular for women. However, if you are diagnosed correctly, some natural and appropriate household medications can help you manage the hair fall.

Natural Remedies to Treat Hair Fall

There are a variety of home remedies that can help avoid hair fall to a decent level. Any of the following options could be tried to give you the desired results, all these are made of ingredients easily available at home

  1. Egg Mask

Eggs have Sulfur, Phosphorus, Selenium, Iodine, zinc, and proteins in it. All these together contribute to hair growth.

In order to make an egg mask, blend these items:

  • In a cup, separate one egg white, add a tea teaspoon of honey and olive oil
  • Beat the egg to a paste and apply from the root to the tip
  • Leave the mask for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with a mild shampoo
  1. Licorice Root

This herb prevents loss of hair and additional hair damage. It helps relax the scalp and remove any dry flakes.

To make a Licorice Root mask use these steps:

  • Make a paste with a tablespoon of ground root and a quarter teaspoon of saffron in a cup of milk
  • Put it in the length of your hair and leave it overnight
  • Wash your hair the next morning
  • Repeat it, Twice each week.
  1. Coconut Milk

It stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss with the help of proteins and essential fats.

To make a coconut milk mask follow these steps:

  • Grate a coconut and cook it in a bowl for five minutes
  • Strain and keep it to cool
  • Add a tablespoon of black pepper and fenugreek seeds to it
  • Apply to hair and scalp
  • Rinse after 20 minutes
  1. Green Tea

This tea is rich in antioxidants that promote the growth of hair and prevent hair loss.

To make a green tea mask follow these steps:

  • Soak 2-3 tea bags in 1-2 cups of warm water, depending on your hair length
  • As it cools down, gently massage your head with it, over your scalp and hair
  • After an hour, cleanse with cool water.
  1. Beetroot Juice

Rich in vitamin C and B6, folate, manganese, betaine, and potassium, beetroot is sufficient for the healthy growth of the hair. It also serves as a detoxifying agent to ensure the scalp stays clean.

To make a beetroot juice mask follow these steps:

  • Boil about 7-8 leaves of beetroot and with 5-6 leaves of henna
  • Gently Apply this mixture on your scalp, leave for about 15-20 minutes before rinsing.
  1. Greek yoghurt and honey

Yogurt and honey are both moisturising and nourishing for your hair. They provide moisture to your hair and make them softer.

To make a greek yogurt and honey mask follow these steps:

  • In a bowl, mix together 2 tbsp yoghurt with 1 spoon lemon
  • Apply this paste on the scalp and the roots using a dye brush
  • Allow it to sit for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water
  • apply this paste once in a week 
  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a powerful home treatment to aid hair loss and growth. It also decreases scalp problems such as irritation and flaking.

To make an aloe vera mask follow these steps:

  • Take the Aloe Vera stalk and scrape the pulp
  • Apply it thoroughly to your hair and leave for like 45 minutes
  • Rinse it with regular water. You should do these three or four times a week to get better results.
  1. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek or Methi seed is one of the most powerful home remedies to avoid hair loss. It restores the hair follicles and makes the hair grow again.

To make fenugreek seeds mask follow these steps:

  • Soak the fenugreek seeds in the water overnight
  • Grind it to a fine paste and apply it to your hair and your scalp
  • Keep the paste on your head for 30 minutes or more
  • You may cover your scalp with a shower cap to keep it moist
  • After 30 to 40 minutes, rinse your hair with plain water. You don’t have to use your shampoo
  • Do this twice a week for a month to manage hair loss.
  1. Onion Juice

The antibacterial properties of onions help curb infections of the scalp, while the Sulphur content increases the flow of blood to the hair follicles. It encourages hair growth and controls hair loss.

To make an onion juice mask follow these steps:

  • To obtain the onion juice, grind the onion, and extract the juice
  • Dip a cotton ball in the juice of onion and apply it to your scalp
  • Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes, then wash off with normal water and a mild shampoo
  • Follow this method once a week to see the difference.
  1. Amla

Indian Gooseberry or Amla is another powerful home remedy to stop hair from falling. One of the factors is vitamin C deficiency, so eating amla will improve your hair follicles and help you heal it. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties, amla helps promote faster hair growth, ensures a healthy scalp, and prevents premature greying.

To make an amla mask follow these steps:

  • You should blend lime juice with the amla powder to create this paste
  • Massage your hair from root to tip with it
  • Using a shower cap, cover your head so that the paste doesn’t quite dry out
  • Leave it in place for an hour and then wash it off with normal water

Try using different variations and mi-match of these ingredients and you will observe a reduction in hair fall in no time. These natural remedies sometimes work better than products you might buy from the supermarket. Taking care of your hair is less about buying products and more about loving your hair, washing it properly, applying what works for your hair and oiling it regularly.