How Long Does a Perm Last

Managing hair is quite a troublesome process. There are people who inherit beautiful and strong hair from their parents, but there are also those who fail to maintain their hair no matter what they do. With so many adulterated products taking over the markets, it really seems difficult to choose what will suit your hair the best. Moreover, every person has a different hair quality and texture and therefore, one product being advertised in the market can not fulfill everybody’s needs. 

Nowadays, people have the freedom to change the color, length, and texture of their hair. With advanced hairstyling techniques, nothing seems impossible. Rebonding, smoothening, keratin treatment and other hairstyling advancements are becoming highly popular, not just among women, but also men. Perming is one of the techniques being used by most salons for decades. It is used to add shine and smoothness to hair by breaking the bond and creating curls and waves. This is a perfect treatment for people who like curly hair and want them for a long time. 

The term “perm” from the word permanent because this chemical treatment has the potential to last on your hair for a very long time. In the early 80s, perming was the latest hair styling trend, it meant permanently straightening or curling the hair. But today, it means curling the hair with rollers and pins. However, the longevity of it mostly depends on various factors – the texture of hair, maintenance, products used, and professional care. All of these factors determine how long your hair perming will last. 

The average period for which perming lasts is between 3-6 months, it may even last longer if proper care is provided. But before you are getting perming done, it is better to research it well. Let’s hop on the wagon and understand how long will hair perming last on your hair and how you can make them last longer.

What is Hair Perming?

Hair Perming is a hairstyling technique performed with the help of chemicals to make hair curly or wavy. It alters the structure of the hair completely and gives you shiny, thick, curly hair. The treatment is not really high on budget, you can get it done in one sitting of 2-4 hours. But there are some careful measures that you need to undertake after getting it done like:

  • Don’t let water touch your hair for the first 48 hours
  • No chemical treatment for the coming 2-3 weeks
  • Don’t bleach or dye your hair right after perming

Perming varies according to the different textures of hair. That is why most hairstyling professionals suggest several types of perming which will suit your hair and face structure the most. 

Types of Perming

Here are the types of perms that you may want to know about to choose the best one for your hair type. Perming can be done with a hot and cold approach. The former uses heating rods and other heat-based equipment while the latter uses alkaline solutions to get the required result. Making the right choice of hair perming will also determine the longevity of it, so chooses carefully:

  • Body wave perm

Body wave perm is for dull and thin hair. Body wave perming helps to add density to the hair and make them appear voluminous. Tail combs are used instead of heating rods to create curls of the hair. These aren’t tight curls but they make hair bouncy.

  • Beach wave perm

This type of hair perming ensures that you have to spend too much time managing the curls. It starts from the middle of the hair and goes down to the tips. These are simple waves created on long hair mostly to give light and long curls. They actually look like beach waves.

  • Smoothing perm

Smoothing perm has been a revolutionary technique for women struggling with frizz and fretters in their curly hair. With this technique, you can keep your curls but remove the bulkiness and frizz from the curls so that they are easier to manage. It will also result in a reduction in the size of your curls.

  • Non-damaging Perm

Non-damaging perm is for those who want the chemical treatment but do not want to damage the quality and texture of their hair. Usually, thioglycolic acid is a substance used to perm hair but in this process, it gets replaced by cysteamine, amino acid to remove the dreadful odor and chemical hazard. 

  • Spiral perm

In the spiral perm, the curls are created with thin curling rods to the length of hair. It is most suitable for long hair and used to be the most loved hairstyle in the early 80s. Since it is performed with heating rods, it may damage your hair if you don’t maintain it properly.

  • Digital perm

Traditional perming methods used heating rods but there was no way of variating the heat which caused damage to the hair. But with digital hair perming, the temperature of the heat required can be adjusted with a machine. The shape and texture can be regulated as per the heat.

How will it last on the hair?

This is one common question that hairstylists get asked the most. Most people make a common mistake of getting the procedure done and then forget about it. Perming is not just about getting the hair treatment, it is more about maintenance and care. It is essential once you have got it done, to use the right shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, oils and visit the hair professional regularly. Perm is a chemical treatment, it is not like hair color or dying hair, it won’t wash out but you have to be sure to take good care of it. If you abandon your hair thinking that the treatment is done, your hair will be prone to severe damage. 

Does longevity vary on short, medium, and long hair?

No, hair perming does not depend on the length of the hair. Women with any length of hair can get it done. Even after the treatment, the hair length will not play a key role in determining how long it will stay. However, you have to keep in mind that in this procedure, the hair has to be wrapped around the rod or even in the alkaline solution. Hence, your hair must be long enough to be held with the rod. If it’s not, the hairstylist will refuse to do it and if he doesn’t, you may end up burning your head. 

Factors determining how long will the perm last?

Most people have a preconception that the hair perming treatment damages hair and doesn’t last long. But several experts have denied this claim. Perming is no different than any other hair treatment and therefore, it has the same impact as others. Following are the factors which affect the longevity of perms:

  • The texture of the hair

Everybody has a different texture of hair and that is why different hair treatments show varied results. Perms work best for dull and thin hair because perming adds volume to such hair, but when it comes to frizzy hair, perming will not stay longer than 3-4 months without care and 5-6 months with proper maintenance. The frizzy hair may end up becoming more frizzy after perming.

  • Speed of hair growth

People say that trimming makes hair grow faster, but it is a misconception. Everyone’s hair grows at a different speed. Perming only breaks and changes the bond of existing hair, but the newly grown will have their original texture. Hence, if your hair grows faster than most people, your perm may last only for a month or two due to biological reasons.  But touch-ups for perming can help them to last longer.

  • Technique of perming

As mentioned above, perming can be done with a hot or cold approach. Both the techniques have their pros and cons. But the hot approach makes more defined and long-lasting curls as compared to the cold approach. Cold perm will not damage your hair but it will also take away the longevity of the procedure. 

  • Products used to perm

Different salons and hairstylists use a variety of products for perming depending on the type of perming demanded by the customer. If you have gotten the procedure from an average salon at a reduced price then be assured that your perms won’t last long. Furthermore, the use of [products can even lead to permanent damage to your hair.

  • Type of chemical concentrate used

The chemical solution used to break the texture of the hair and regenerate it contains a concentrate of acid. This has to be in perfect proportion to work properly on the hair. Even a slight change in the proportion will mean perming won’t last till 6 months, which it usually does, and can even lead to severe damage. 

Can men get hair perming too?

Yes, of course. We live in the 21st century and it is pretty common for men to get hair styling and treatments. Most men who look to grow their hair longer may end up with messy and frizzy hair. Perming can help them to make their hair look natural yet styled. Whether you have thick or thin, straight or curly or wavy hair, perming will only make you look better. So there is no reason, men shouldn’t get perms. It will last up to 3-4 months and it can be done again too.

Steps to follow to make perm last long

Once you have taken the hair perming treatment, you have to stack products that can help you to make it last longer. Not just the products, certain habits will have to be included and avoided to make them last longer. Let’s have a look at the tips which can help you to extend the longevity of perming:

  • Avoid washing for 48 hours

If you wash your hair for 2-3 days of perming, all the chemical treatment and heating will go away. It takes some time for perms to set with your hair.

  • Say no to heat styling tools

Minimize the use of heating tools as soon as possible, because there is a chance that you can damage not just your perms but your hair as well. Premature curls will lose shape and break away.

  • Use shampoo specifically made for chemically treated hair

There are pet-friendly shampoos and conditioners available in the market by several brands. Consult your hair professional to buy the right one and use them regularly.

  • Shampoo less often

Excessive shampooing can make your hair dry and frizzy. The scalp produces hair oils from time to time, lack of hair oil will lead to a lack of nutrition and dryness. Even if you want to wash your hair, do it with plain water without shampoo.

  • Don’t sleep with a satin cap

A satin cap should be used while sleeping because when the hair rubs over it regularly, it will give rise to frizz. The perms will not last long if you have a lot of frizz and tangles in your hair.

  • Visit a professional hairstylist

It is better to visit a hair care professional not just during the treatment but also after it. He/she will provide suggestions and products which can make the perms last long.

  • Use moisturizing shampoos and deep conditioners

Deep conditioners are necessary for permed hair to maintain the consistency and smoothness of hair. Conditioning makes sure that your hair is not left dry.

Hope that this guide helps you get the best perming treatment done for your hair and makes it last long!