Gone are the days when grooming and spending hours in the bathroom for getting ready were subjected to women. Grooming is not a gender-based requirement. Both men and women, in order to look good and to attract people, need to look smart and appealing. And here, grooming well doesn’t mean to buy expensive products and clothes rather it means to wear whatever you have in a right manner, in a manner which will enhance your looks and make you stand out in the crowd.

Most of the men tend to overlook the importance of grooming, they relate it to feminine nature or homosexuality and make a taboo out of it. But to all the men out there, struggling hard to get dates and failing, your lack of sense of grooming could a be a reason behind this failure. But don’t worry here are few tips which women suggest for men grooming, these will help most of the guys and raise their attraction quotient:


Being hygienic is extremely important not just to attract people around but for maintaining a good health. When it comes to approaching someone, all your expensive clothes, shoes, cars, etc will get neglected if you are unhygienic. No women will like a man with a big car but don’t bathe or have dirty nails. So make sure, you clean yourself regularly. Take a good shower and properly clean your self, trim your nails regularly and clean them, wear clean clothes, socks and shoes. All these things might sound like not a big deal but these actually have great impact.


Maybe you don’t pay attention to that shabby beard of yours but that girl who is keeping you hanging for that date is. Women have a thing for men with well maintained facial hair but it doesn’t mean that you have to grow a beard. The catch is that whatever facial hair you have just maintain it well, get it trimmed properly whenever and from where ever required, use wax to style it and pay attention to how it looks.


Attraction is directly related to good smell. On an average men sweat more than females and sweat cause bad odour. A woman tends to like men who smell good. Invest in some good deodorant and perfume and use it daily and whenever you feel you should like after a workout session or after an outdoor activity which made you sweat a lot. Important: Don’t overdo it, use only the amount that is required. A very strong smell can also be a turn-off.


Imagine someone who is extremely good looking, smart, intelligent and funny but has bad breath or yellow teeth. Would you date her? NO! Because that person isn’t taking care of her oral hygiene. So brush twice a day, floss regularly, use mouthwash. Properly clean those pearls and take care of your breath. Carry mints or mouth sprays with you and use it after meals if you eat anything which might cause a problem.


There are no rules for clothes except one which is, wear clothes in which you are comfortable. Don’t wear those pair of jeans which are trending but you are uncomfortable with them. That will make you look awkward and girls notice that awkwardness easily. Instead, wear that trouser which is not that trending but you are comfortable with them and also they are good looking.


Apart from being comfortable in your clothes, take care that you don’t over accessorize yourself. Wear belts, but make sure your buckle looks like a buckle and not a gadget to visit some planet.

Wear decent looking footwear. Strictly avoid glitter/silver/gold shoes- you are not Mithun Chakraborty. Don’t wear lots of bracelets, rings or any kind of ornaments.


“Chest hair makes a man look more manly.” NO! It doesn’t. A man looks manly with his etiquettes, thoughts, ideas, and personality and not with having an Amazon forest grown on his body. You don’t have to get your body waxed or shaved but if you have TOO much of hair, then trim it. It doesn’t look good and also you give out an impression of being unhygienic and not so clean.

So, guys, these were a few tips which any one of you can follow to improve and make your appearance better. Also, you can leave an amazing impression on any girl. Good luck.