We blast music, add colorful lights, and do everything in our power to make a house party more lively. But how do we make everyone have fun and talk about the party for the coming days? You’ve guessed it. Drinking games!!! These are the best drinking games that will lighten up any party:
To set it up, put your large container in the center of the table and evenly spread the cards around it. When everyone has a drink, they’ll take turns to pick up a card. Each card has an action to follow. The action that goes with every card varies, therefore be at liberty to form it your own.
Ace — Waterfall: If you pick an Ace, everyone has to start chugging their drinks. The person who has chosen the card can stop whenever they want to. And when they stop, everybody’s going to stop as well.
Two – You: If you pick two, they point towards a person who has to drink.
Three – Me: If you pick three, you’re drinking.
Four – If you pick a four, all the ladies in the room drink.
Five – Never have I ever: If you pick a five, everyone puts up 3-5 fingers. You’ll start saying something you’ve never done, others put a finger down if they’ve done it. The first person to put all the fingers down, loses, and drinks.
Six – If you pick a six, all the guys drink.
Seven – Heaven: If you pick seven, everyone must raise their hand to ‘heaven’. The person coming last, drinks.
Eight – Mate: If you pick an eight, you’ll pick a date to drink with you.
Nine – Rhyme: If you pick a nine. You’ll say a word and the person to your right will have to say something that rhymes with it. This goes on until someone cannot think of a rhyming word and they have to drink.
Ten – Categories: If you pick a ten, you’ll pick a category and the person to your right will have to say something in the category. When someone can’t think of something, they lose and drink.
Jack – Rule: If you pick a jack you’ll come up with a rule and if someone breaks the rule throughout the game, they drink.
Queen – Questions: If you pick a queen, you’ll ask a question to anyone in the game and they’ll respond with a question. Whoever breaks this cycle, drinks.
King – King’s Cup: Finally, the sport. With every king drawn up to three kings, the players will pour some of their drinks into the king’s cup. The person who draws the fourth and last king drinks from the kings’ cup.
Take a pack of cards and hand them out equally to all in the circle. Whoever goes first picks a card and puts it in the middle of the table, calling someone out in the party as they do. Who’ll have to drink for as many seconds as the number on the card?
There’s a surprise, though! If someone else in the crowd has a card with the same number, they can ‘save’ the chosen person and pass it on to someone else (getting a friend but also having an enemy). The best thing is the numbers add up.
Rules to keep an eye on:
- All picture cards (Jack, Queen, and King) are counted as tens
- You can’t save yourself
- If you were selected to drink, you can’t save yourself with one of your cards. You’ve got to wait and hope someone else saves you instead
The first round is quite easy. The dealer puts four cards in front of the player who has to guess something about each of them before they’re turned over.
They have to guess whether the first card is red or black, then if the second card is higher or lower than the first card, then if or not the third card is between the first two cards, and finally they have to guess the fourth card suit.
They can give out drinks for every right guess, and if they’re wrong, they have to drink.
After this, the dealer puts forward eight cards and puts them into two piles of four cards each. From here, each card is flipped one at a time, alternating between the two piles.
If any card is similar to the cards from the first round, the player gets to give or take drinks depending on what is drawn.
Put an even number of cups (1/4 full) in the middle of the table. One of the center cups is supposed to be filled. Everyone gathers around the table. Two players on the opposite side start with a cup and a ping pong ball and attempt to bounce the ping pong ball into the cup. After they have taken the shot, they move the cup and the ping pong ball to the individual next to them. If anyone takes a shot at their first try, they can pass a cup and a ping pong ball to someone they want.
Slap the cup!
-If someone takes a shot, and the person immediately to their left is still trying to make their own, they should slap their cup away from them.
-Then, the person has to take a fresh cup from the middle, take a sip it, and try to make a shot with a new cup.
The game ends once all the cups are gone. The last person who gets slapped chugs down the whole drink.
All the players circularly sit around a table, while the dealer deals all the cards, dividing equally between the players, in face-down piles.
Each player chooses a stack of cards, and the person on the left of the dealer starts the game by playing their Aces (faced down). They are free to lie about the number of Aces they have, i.e. if they have 1, they’ll place down an Ace and another card if they please (if they have no aces left, they have no choice but to lie).
Each turn, the next player must play the next lowest card from what had previously been played, meaning that if the Ace had just been played, the next player would play their Kings as well. After the Twos are played, the game begins at Ace’s and continues as normal. keep in mind that players can also lie about what cards they hold.
Never Have I ever always been a great game to know the secrets of your friends! You’ve got to share something you’ve never done before, and if someone has, they swig their drinks. For example, when I say, “I’ve never been arrested,” all those in the group who have been arrested will have a drink. The trick here is to get your friends to confess their humiliating tales, so watch out for what you say!
This one takes a little planning, so take a few sharpies and a Jenga set too. Write a different command on each Jenga block, and set the tower as usual. Every block that is removed from the Tower without it being toppled, the person who removes the block must do whatever’s written on it.
Before you start, everybody pours a little of their drink into a pint glass. The one who topples the Jenga Tower chugs the entire glass!
This is a fast, simple game. What you need to do is sit around a table and choose a hand motion for yourself. You could pick a victory symbol, or you could let your imagination run wild. Everyone gets on board, thump the table and the game starts. You start the action of your hand, and then you do the action of someone else, while the others proceed to thump.
Now, the person whose hand action has been taken repeats his action and the one whom he wants to transform next. Whoever is messing up or taking too long to respond, drinks.
Loose Tongues is a game about being able to think quickly. Player one will count down from three and show a card to another player. Then they have to think of a word that begins with the same letter as the card suit.
So, for example, if you showed them the seven of hearts, they might shout “HOTDOGS,” “HAMMER” and then on. Whoever is the slowest to think of a word is going to fail and have to drink.
You can make it more complicated by adding categories or naming phrases that start with a second or a third letter instead.
Last but not least. Set up a table with 10 plastic cups at each end, arranged in a triangle shape. Fill each cup with beer or any beverage, but not to the brim. Split into two teams. Each team takes a turn attempting to throw a ping pong ball into one of the cups at the opposite end of the table.
If the ball falls in the cup, a member of the opposing team has to drink it. The first side to get rid of all the cups wins and wins for the rest of the night.