In this age of AI/VR/AR/Tesla/Apple, Do you think this is impossible?

By any chance if you are unaware, there is a hell lot of research that goes on in Textile Industry and nobody can ignore the R&D to be put in to make more room for comfort for Human body.

Be it researchers Or Fashion guys, there is a constant effort put in to make Bras more comfortable and Stylish.

One can find a plethora of Bra choices across the Markets globally but it is important how to choose and where to choose.

Let’s look at some of the problems that one faces with Strapless Bras:

1- Fast wear and tear

Strapless Bras worn out easily as they have a heavy duty as compared to regular bras. Whenever you are choosing a Strapless bra, make sure you are comfortable wearing it on the most loose hook so that you can keep on going further to tighter hooks as the wear and tear happens.

2- Your wardrobe/dress may be putting too much weight on your Strapless Bra

This is a common problem that can cause discomfort as your heavy dress may be pulling it down.

Make sure your dress is fitted at the hips Or tummy area and not at the chest so that your bra doesn’t have to bear the stress.

3- Band Size Problems

This generally depends upon your bust size, Larger the bust, Larger the Band Size, Otherwise the capability of the bra to hold your bust will not be proper.

4- A Big NO to convertible Bras

Don’t ever buy this opinion from anyone that you can be satisfied physically and economically by buying a convertible bra.

It serves no purpose and it is just a Marketing gimmick

All in all, it just depends how you take care of your strapless bra and how you use it.

But limit your expectations in terms of how Bra brands showcase it but on a serious note, Strapless Bras are an awesome thing to happen to Bra world