Careers For Women over 40

Working has become an essential part of urban human lifestyle. The young workforce of any country consumes and contributes the most amount of resources. People are struggling to manage the work-life balance as the population is getting bigger and opportunities are shrinking. Apart from that, social media has set high levels of living amongst the young workforce. However there is one big problem that fairly still subsists in almost every sector: ageism.

Discriminination in hiring employees based on age has become an upcoming phenomenon as the industries demand young employees only. This poses an unending hindrance for those who have crossed the age of 35 years to get employment. This practice has become even more prevalent with the privatisation of sectors and globalisation in MNCs. 

Further, it is a well known fact that women have to bear the brunt of sexism and discrimation at the workplace. Women after the age of 40 years are more likely to face gender inequality in getting employment opportunities than men. Clear reasons being the time gap owing to marriage and children. It is not only unfair but also irrational to be inconsiderate of the society we live in. 

Women are burdened with domestic responsibilities and household chores without due consideration about their career. Hence, they are bound to leave their jobs and take care of the family resulting in a lack of career prospects after 40.

Getting started with the 2nd innings!

It’s better late than never! Dreams are not defined by age. Age is indeed just a number. After a long break, it is difficult for women to find work in their preferred sector. They face lack of confidence, faith and self esteem even while kick starting the second halves of their career. The fear of being a part of the workforce and inability to fit in is even bigger. 

It is the sad reality of our society that work done by women at home is not accounted as “work”. Unpaid domestic labor done by women for half of their lives is always neglected and looked down upon. 

But there are career opportunities for women out there even after the age of 40 if they are determined to work. You can always give your life a fresh turn. All you have to do is overcome your fears and dream again. There are thousands of women out there who had to derail their career path to serve their families but 40 is indeed a good number to start your 2nd innings with new energy, new goals and a new mindset.

Following are a few career paths that you can opt to transform yourself from a housewife to a working woman:

  1. Teaching

Becoming a teacher is not easy. You are responsible for the future of an entire class of children. It requires complete knowledge of the subject.  Communication, listening and leadership skills are also a must. A teacher must have patience and politeness to understand students and explain their doubts. You can apply in private and government schools whichever suits you better. Additionally, the timings of schools are shorter as compared to other jobs. Considering that you have just been out of a home routine, such timings make perfect sense.

  1. Freelancer

Being self-employed at the age of 40 is the best thing one could wish for. Now that we live in the social media age, the accessibility of resources and customers has drastically broadened. If you excel at one skill, then it will not be difficult for you to carve out a niche as a freelancer. Not everyone is well conformed with the 9 to 5 corporate culture, and hence freelancing can be your saviour. All you have to do is polish your skills, create networking and assign payment, you are all set! Marketing, content writing, stock trading, designing and many other opportunities are available to work as a freelancer.

  1. Blogging 

Blogging is increasingly becoming popular amongst people who like to be their own bosses. Working and earning money doesn’t always mean that you have to step out of your house, you can always use the internet to create employment for yourself. You can take up blogging about personal issues, socio-political problems and even artistic ideas. This is a good opportunity for women who are fearful about entering the workspace again and being judged by other younger employees. Blogging even provides you peace of mind because your home is your office.

  1. Translator/Interpreter

Age has no bar when you want to pursue a career being a translator or an interpreter. But it is, of course, necessary for you to know 2 or more than 2 languages. There are various applications which can help you learn more languages with precision. The job of a translator and interpreter is not necessarily outdoors, various translator jobs can be done while being at the comfort of your home. This way you can handle your domestic responsibilities and you won’t have to exhaust yourself physically and mentally. 

  1. Hair Stylist

Women often have to sacrifice their dreams because of household responsibilities but who said you can’t start again? Becoming a hairstylist doesn’t require a minimum or maximum age. If you know the skill professionally then you are good to go. Even if you’re not professionally trained but wish to pursue a career in hairstyling and makeup, there are various types of courses available according to the requirements. You don’t need a degree but you do need a diploma which will help you to apply for a cosmetology license. Once you have the license, all you have got to do is build repertoire with customers and win their trust with your work.

  1. Life Counsellor

Being 40 means if you have seen more life than the young workforce. Of Course the young minds will have fresh ideas and updated technological skills but they will not possess the experience as the older adults. According to the statistics, women are better life counsellors due to better emotional understanding and experience of hardships. The objective of the life counsellor is to guide their clients to follow the right track. Human beings can often get caught in the shackles of everyday struggles but life counselors help them to get out of it by listening and talking to them. Their past experiences are also a major plus in this job.

  1. Social Worker

If caring about others and being useful to society interests you then social work is the field for you. Start anytime you want. Since we live in a society that has an unequal distribution of resources and opportunities, a major chunk of this structure is often left struggling: the weaker section of the society. When you get involved in social work, you can help low income families and downtrodden classes with financial, medical and emotional aid. However, being a social worker is not easy, you have to be empathetic and others first always. Apply to government institutions and NGOs to start your career. 

  1. Online Tutor

Online tutoring is increasingly becoming a popular profession not just among people beyond 40 but also the younger generation. But you must be technically sound and professionally skilled with the subject. Teaching online will also not physically drain women because most women go through menopause and other physical restraints during this period. You can even teach unconventional courses like Yoga, Cooking, Dining etiquettes, Painting, Dance forms and more. Teaching from home with the help of the internet lets students from different parts of the world learn new skills.

  1. Artist

You can leave art but art never leaves you. It is hidden somewhere inside, but when it comes to the surface again, a little practice can change your stars in the universe. With simply using a laptop or a computer, you can start creating digital art and become an illustrator. However, if you are not tech savvy, then you can always try your hands at handmade craft products. Social media has created a space for small businesses where you can sell and market your products. So if you are interested in making art, then why wait to become an artist? Collect the material, jot down unique ideas and go for it.

  1. Lunch delivery

Cooking is one skill that women excel quite well but it’s strange how most of the chefs in the world are men. Especially in India, women are taught to cook since adolescence because apparently a girl cannot be married if she doesn’t know how to cook. Anyway, keeping aside the conservative and orthodox norms, if you are good at cooking, you have the option of starting a food delivery business. Many people starve themselves due to lack of cooking skills. All you need is some professional cooking skills, marketing and networking tactics and initial investment and you start the business.

  1. Professor

The most significant factor of being older is that you have experience and expertise in the skill. Being a Professor requires a Masters and Doctorate but you can apply for Assistant Professor in colleges and other educational institutions with a masters degree in a subject. Few years of experience is also required to become a Professor at a reputed college and get a fat salary. Submitting research papers and journals and publishing them thereafter can also help you to land up in a good educational institution. With a good salary, it also provides various facilities so you don’t have to worry about retirement. 

  1. Administrative and Public Assistant

Since lectureship requires high educational qualifications, it is better for women with high school diplomas to apply for administrative and public assistants. This kind of job requires management and communication skills. In administrative assistance, you are supposed to keep a log of data and files, exchange emails and manage information about the company profile; however, public assistance is allowed as per government guidelines. Along with financial aid, you can enjoy other associated facilities too. 

  1. Babysitting

Attending meetings is one thing but managing babies and taking care of them is far more difficult jon. One has to deal with little monsters in this job. Nevertheless if childminding is your cup of tea then you must go for it. Most parents of children are working professionals , hence they require trustworthy childminders for their children. They are usually ready to pay exorbitant amounts because it is a question for their children. Therefore, one can earn really well even after 40s and make a good career out of it since parents trust women with experience even more.

  1. Therapist

Therapy is something that is largely becoming a part of everyone’s life. Since we live in an age where mental health disorders and traumas are quite common, almost everyone is in  dire need of therapy. Every person consults a therapist at least once in their lifetime to discuss emotional concerns and get out of them. The problem is that the world is producing great talkers but poor listeners which is why people need therapists. Hence it is a great career opportunity for women above 40s with a degree in Psychology to restart their career. You can even try Occupational Therapy since it is a well paid job nowadays. 

Hoping that this guide helps you to regain your confidence and live your life to your fullest once again because remember, there is life beyond 40. Try your hands on these career options and fulfill your long awaited dreams.