It has been a century that women across the globe have celebrated International Women’s day on 8th March. It is indeed a special day as it marks the existence of a gender which has been denied rights since time immemorial. Women java proved that they are no less than any other gender and therefore, deserve equal rights at all platforms.
‘A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes’ – Sheryl Sandberg.
No, a status, a picture, a bouquet, a cake, a gift coupon is not enough, it is high time, women get what they actually deserve. Only if women got the respect for the amount of work they do and the obstructions they face, no need would have arisen to celebrate the day with such grandeur. The biggest flaw in the society is that they stereotype every gender.
Women’s day is not just about wearing pink or gifting shopping cards to female employees or posting a picture on social media, it is much more than that. Here are some cool women’s day celebration ideas to appreciate, thank and applaud the women in the society.
Play with challenges on social media
Since social media is a major trendsetter nowadays, to make the day fun and interesting, challenges can be created with hashtags to involve as many women. The idea of global sisterhood is quite faded but it needs to be highlighted more and more.
#Challenge to apologise to women you have hurt #Challenge to unlearn patriarchy #Challenge to not mansplain #Challenge to choose a sister from another mister #Challenge to advocate body positivity #Challenge for equal pay, all these challenges can be used to form a global chain among men and women to celebrate the day. More and more interesting challenges can be created to make people aware about gender equality.
Dancing, eating, laughing sessions
It is often seen that women are judged on everything they do, how they laugh, What they wear, how they eat, who they marry. Quite evidently, a woman’s life is never free from uninvited judgement and comments. Hence, it is important to create safe spaces for women where they can be their truest selves without being judged, molested and assaulted. In these sessions, women can do what they were never able to do otherwise.
Liberty is one thing that a human cannot live without then how can people expect women to behave and be a certain way. To make the session more interesting, many fun games and activities can also be introduced with music and props. Yes it does sound like a party! But why not do a women’s day party with beautiful women around?
Brainstorming Workshops on gender equality at workplace
Women’s day is not only about women, but it is also for those men who have at some point in their lives treated women as unequal. Most women at workplace have faced discrimination with respect to their wages, employment and promotions. Not only this, but sexual harassment at workplace is quite rampant in all countries.
To deal with such situations, brainstorming sessions can be arranged for the workforce to educate them on gender sensitization and equality at the workplace. These sessions will help the employees to aware themselves on gender based issues in and outside the workplace. Inviting women leaders from various industries can also help the employees to look at women from other perspectives and change their viewpoint.
Host online panel of global women leaders
Global women leaders in every field prove everyday that they are enough to make their dreams come true. They do not need a man to survive in the industry. These panels with global women leaders have their own proportion of struggle which they can share with others. Not just men, but even women can get inspired by hearing them talk about how they were able to overcome everything and reach such heights.
They have been there, done that. Their experiences may include how they worked hard in a male dominated society and created a place for themselves. What could be better than celebrating women’s day with brave and courageous women around?
Coffee/dinner date with BFFs
If you want to have some fun and chill on Women’s day, then make an invitation to your best friends and female colleagues for a coffee or a dinner date. It is important for women to support each other in their journeys. Often in TV serials and movies, women are portrayed hating each other. But that isn’t true.
It is a picture painted to coddle the idea of divide and rule. When women spit hate on each other for no specific reason, it is quite evident that the patriarchy is seving men fruitfully. A coffee date with your girlfriend on a nice warm evening is all you need. Women must be bonded together to fight gender discrimnation an that is only going to happen when they have deep conversations over coffee or chit chat at dinner.
Contribute for women owned businesses
There are several businesses coming up handled and managed by women single handedly. Today women fear no one.They are getting success in every sector, but still some forces tend to pull them down. Contributions towards women owned businesses need not be necessarily financial. Sharing their posts and appreciating their work on social media and otherwise cam get them mouth to mouth advertising. You can even start fundraisers to support small businesses by women. Donate as much as you can and do your bit.
Time for a talent show
Talent shows are always interesting and exciting. Send invites to all the women to participate in the talent shows and encourage them to do their best. Most women often lack confidence because they are judged all their life about their looks, opinions, education and career choices. With these talent shows, they can gain back their confidence. Even when there is no one to cheer for them, they have got to be their own cheerleaders in life.
Moreover, talent shows are quite fun because people get to see different personalities of each other. Women keep hiding behind the shelves due to fear of judgement and restrictions imposed by the society, but such shows can help them to come out of the closet and rediscover themselves. You can even keep prizes and annonce winners to make it more competitive.
Reading books by feminist authors
There are various feminist authors in india and other countries who definitely deserve a read. In a male dominated industry, women have emerged as the most thoughtful, accurate and talented authors. Reading sessions with books written by feminist authors is a great and efficinet way to celebrate Womens day. Timothe Cole, Jane Austen, Sylvia Plath, Betti Frieden, Audre Lorde, Margaret Atwood and Virginia Woolf are some of the best authors whose works are still read and remembered for their relevance and significance in the contemporary era.
The womens day can alsob be held as a remembrance day for all these wonderful feminist authors. One can even open a book club for regular readings and availability of books by these authors.
Movie marathon with female friends
Want to chill with your friends on women’s day? What can be better than a movie marathon with your female friends. There are several movies that talk about women issues openly and teach feminism. It is not only necessary to have a good time with female colleagues but you must also educate yourself about the origin and several waves of feminism.
However, if you want a chill afternoon, just grab some popcorn and snacks, hop on the couch and watch your favourite movie with uluru best friend. Female friendships are as important as feminism because the former acts as a catalyst and the latter, consequence.
Gender reversal games
Imagine if men could suffer everything that women go through in their lifetime just for a day? Play gender reversal games in colleges, offices and schools to help men understand what it is like being a woman in a man’s world. This will not only help them understand women better but also respect them for their struggles.
These games may include cooking meals, walking in heels, facing comments and slurs, taking care of kids and doing all the household chores. The game can be made more fun if you introduce small competitions in between with Who Does It First? These games will encourage men to develop gender sensitivity towards women and treat them better in household and at workplace.
Try out these cool women’s day celebration ideas with your friends and colleagues!
See also: