Do you want to have a romantic long-distance relationship? Who doesn’t?

Let’s admit, it’s difficult to be in a long-distance relationship. It demands an extraordinary amount of trust and dedication in a long distance relationship as you are miles away from your partner. It can be so frustrating to keep the connection you once had when the two of you were right beside each other. But don’t feel stressed out as there are lots of ways to keep the romance alive in a long-distance relationship. Without romance, the relationship is basically only a friendship, which is not a bad thing, but many people crave something deeper. Here we are giving you 9 ways to have romance in long distance relation.

  1.   Send Good Morning Text Messages

You should always message them with a romantic good morning text when you wake up. It is good as it let your partner know that you are thinking about them when you wake up.  You should also send a good night message. You can ask your partner about what they are up to that day. It will let them know that you care about them.

  1.   Plan Date Nights

It is sure that you cannot sit in the same room with each but you are able to watch the same tv show at same time. You can also try texting each other comments on the show you both are watching while curling up on the couch.

  1.   Send Photos Of Your Day

Send your partner an occasional photo text of something you are doing to remind your lover you are thinking about him or her. You can send pictures of your meals if you had an opportunity to eat somewhere fancy. If you want to try the next level, then do a whole blog post for them about the food you eat anywhere.

  1.   Pay Attention To Phone Calls

When you are in a long distance relationship, you tend to spend as much time on the phone together as possible. Don’t make a call to your partner when you are busy doing some other work. Instead, make a call to them when you are just sitting on a chair and this way you will able to give them your undivided attention. You would be surprised at the difference it makes!

  1.   Send A Surprise Bouquet

You can surprise them with a bouquet, as flowers themselves create a very romantic environment. Moreover, it will let them know that they are very special for you.

  1.   Surprise Them With A Visit

This one you need to be careful of as you do not want to be an inconvenience. Hosting someone takes time and planning, so do give them a little warning.

  1.   Make Sure To Laugh Together

Send them a funny joke or a video. It is said that emotional connection is formed when we laugh together, so keep that connection alive in your relationship.

  1.   Video Chat With One Another

Every couple nowadays can stay connected as lots of apps provide the facility of video calling. It helps to see your partner face-to-face which increase your bond even more.

  1.   Send Them Love Letter On Mail

You cannot say much on texting. Take time to put pen to paper or finger to keyboard to express exactly what you love about one another.

Romance is one of the hardest things to keep alive in a long distance relationship. But we are sure these ways will definitely help to make your long distance relationship more romantic. Keep loving!!!