Since the advent of civilization amongst humans, the species has shown a wide range of traits. One human can be similar to another but can never be entirely the same. This is because they have different genes from each other. One sibling will never have the same characteristics as the other, even when they are born from the same parents.
So it is now clear that every individual has different traits which are evident in their behaviour patterns. However, researchers and psychologists have often argued that these traits in humans can be categorised essentially. There is a wide range of spectrum for these categories to be used in the modern world.
Since there is cutthroat competition in the industries and personal relationships are constantly failing, this classification of personalities can act as a catalyst to bring substantial impact in the lives of people.
Personality type refers to a phenomenon where people are classified in different categories based on how they behave, what they talk, where their perceptions go and how they react. However, it is nearly impossible to make an absolute demarcation of fitting the personalities in these boxes. Characteristics, traits and behaviour of an individual collectively form one’s personality. Since it is a gradual process, it may take years for people to identify their personality type. Let’s try to understand the types of personalities in people in a better way.
Since time immemorial, people have often classified personalities into 4 main categories: director, socializer, thinker and supporter. The foremost purpose of segregation is to facilitate better understanding and handling of human resources at industrial levels. Not only that, personality identification can also help in the educational development of students at various stages. These personality types have been classified in the following manner:
Type A
Type A personality is the Director. People with this kind of personality are the ones who like to lead. Leadership skills can often be found in their behaviour. Since they are very goal oriented, their focus in concentration capacities are better than others. Not only this, but their biggest strength is their eye to detail, which shows that their observational skills are excellent. Here are some of the indicators through which you can identify Type A personality:
- Ready to take challenge
- Dominant behavior
- Good leader and motivator
- Short tempered
- Want immediate results
- Belief in the present
- Very competitive
- Multitaskers
- Money driven
- Workaholic
- Easily triggered
- Stubborn and anxious
Type B
Type B personality people are referred to as the outgoers. They are obsessed with themselves and quite talkative. They are often the life of the party. One can often find them hopping around in excitement from one corner to another. They are excellent at building repertoire with people around because of their communication skills. Not only this, but they are also good listeners. Approval, acknowledgement and appreciation are the factors that drive them the most to work towards their goals. Lets have a look at their traits:
- Persuasive
- Lighthearted
- Dreamer
- Enthusiast
- Observer
- Confident
- Outgoer
- Arrogance
- Procrastination
- Center of attention
- Social butterfly
- Good communication
Type C
Type C personality people are those who are quite particular about things. They can be called perfectionists as well. Facts, rationality and logic are the major pillars of their life. Attention to detail, talking sensibly and developing their knowledge regularly are few things that determine them precisely.They can be easily found in public rules with their unique and attractive personality. Following are some of the key indicators of their personality:
- Thinking critically
- Imaginative yet detailed
- Unsocial most of the times
- Precisely analytical
- Problem solvers
- Like to be in control
- Research scientists
- Technically sound
- Preparedness
- Logical and rational
- Practical approach
- Thinking, then doing
Type D
This kind of personality is often found in the preceding generations. They are called the supporters and often engage in repetitive work. Most parents have mouled their personalities into this type because of societal pressure and lack of exposure to opportunities. Such people fear change and find peace in a monotonous life routine. They seek stability and longevity rather than adventure and challenges. They are simple and easy going. Let’s dig deeper in their personality traits:
- Compassionate
- Careful
- Dependable
- Uncomfortable with change
- Submissive
- Quiet
- Observant
- Minimal attention
- Not good at challenges
- Cautious
- Believe in getting work done
- Calm and composed
- Sincere and honest
Since we have discussed all the personality types in brief, let’s understand the common behavioural traits of Type B personality in an elaborated way. After assessing various individuals and doing tests, researchers have found Type B personality to be extremely easy going.
You will never find them getting irritated or frustrated easily,they are said to be patient. Their competitiveness has often been questioned but the researchers and scientists have observed that during competition, they perform their best.
Furthermore, being productive even under stress and handling critical situations calmly are the two traits that make them desirable. In personal life, they are quite social and love making friends, talking to strangers and sharing their feelings. They are inherently loving and emotional.When it comes to professional life,they show flexibility, adaptability and cohesive nature, which is why their bosses are always happy with them.
Anxiety, stress and worry are few emotions that they rarely encounter. Since they are natural procrastinators, they are often criticized for their delays in every task, but they are also good at getting things done at the last minute.
However, their relaxed and calm attitude towards life is often misunderstood as casual. So if they do not pay much attention or not keep track of their work and relationships, they can often lose work and people.
Now that we have understood the characteristics of Type B personality in detail, let’s make a bifurcation as to what traits fall in the category of strengths and which ones in weaknesses:
- No health complaints
- Fun and enjoyment
- Ready to take challenges
- Team player
- Less likely to be overworked
- Patient listener
- Creative mind to see bigger picture
- Present in the moment
- Usually comfortable
- Calculative decision making
- Clever but empathetic
- Willingness for improvement
- Positive energy
- Even tempered
- Goal oriented
- Does not jump to conclusions
- Introspective
- Procrastination
- Casual approach
- Fear of commitment
- Confused in “maybes”
- Bad with quick decisions
- Unable to keep pace with deadlines
- Laid back mentality
No, no type of personality can be considered bad. Every person is unique in their own way because they carry the traits and behaviour of their parents. There are many people who are unable to identify with one single type, Hence, when 2 or more than 2 types of personalities can be found in a single person, it is named as Type X personality.
TYpe B personality people are often liked by their friends and work colleagues as well because of their easy going nature and approachability. If they manage to convert their weaknesses into strength then there is no doubt that they have a long way to go. Not only in professional life but also in the personal sphere of life, they can open doors to several areas of growth.
Every kind of personality is bound to have pros and cons, therefore, Type B personality people also get affected because of their behaviour and traits. Type B personality is considered the healthiest one amongst all because there are less chances of fatal diseases. They are also the most common of them all’
- Health
These people rarely suffer from any kind of health issue because anxiety and stress are relatively farther emotions to them. Due to their fun and relaxed nature, they do have many anger issues and thereafter, blood pressure, diabetes and other health problems seem quite distant. Positivity and happiness keep suh personalities metally sound and healthy. One advantage of living with Type B personality is that they create positive energy around them which furthers itself when transferred. Hence, they not only keep themselves healthy but also better the health of one’s around them. Since they are even tempered, their calmness helps cure various diseases automatically.
- Relationships
There is no doubt about the fact that Type B personality people are the best partners. Not just in family but outside too, they make great friends. Since they are reflective and rational, they are concerned about what people think. This is why they are able to make and maintain good relationships with people around them. You will rarely see them in a hurry, they are always calm and relaxed, ready to listen and absorb.
- Career
Personality tests and types play a major role in recruitment and promotion of employees in various industries. These personality tests provide necessary information to the companies about the candidates so they can proceed forward with the hiring.
Type B personalities are the favourite candidates to have for the HR department because less time, energy and resources are required with them for training and development because of their easy attitude. Yes, they might face some challenges due to procrastination of work but due to good stress management, they convert their weaknesses to strengths.
It is not rocket science to know what type of personality you have. All you have to do is take a personality test. Several forms of aptitude and personality tests are available on the internet which can help you determine and figure out what personality fits you. Following questions will be asked in a personality test:
- Are you a public person?
- How do you react in stressful and critical situations?
- What is your maximum aggression level?
- How often do you like to socialize?
- How many friends do you have?
- Are you a good listener?
- How often do you get stressed?
- Is there anything that makes you anxious?
However, if you do know your traits well and you identify with the above behavioral indicators of Type B personality, then you can even know yourself better reading the detailed analysis and overview about the characteristics of Type B personality.
Once you have taken the personality test, and answered all the questions, the test will automatically generate the results and state the “type” of your personality. Additionally, this test will not only help you in your career but also prove to be a catalyst in building good relations with people around you because you will know yourself better.