As a woman, who walks around all day with these balls of fat -better known as breasts- on her chest, I sometimes truly fail to understand why they’re so fetishised. Yes, they’re nice to look at and they’re nice to hold, but to the extent that they’re objectified? I don’t see it. And what surprises me even more is the way women understand their bodies through their breasts; for the most part, you cannot help the size that you have. It’s either genetic or hormonal, and guess what, neither of them are in your control!

I have grown up, having conversations with girls and boys alike, about breasts and after a decade of carrying them around, it really saddens me to see young girls putting themselves down because their breasts are not as large as the media tell them they should be. We are constantly being bombarded by images of what something should look like, and these girls, who anyway have it pretty hard when it comes to self image (high school is not a great time for anybody, let’s be honest) find themselves fighting their own bodies! Small breasts do not mean that you are not beautiful or desirable, even though there are things and people that will tell you otherwise. 

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There are multiple articles online that tell you why you should love your little breasts and they all have their reasons why. Most of the reasons seem to be valid but some of them are unnecessary; the problem with these articles is that they tend to compare themselves to bigger breasts and they are wrong very often about what comes with larger breasts. And in the process of trying to make someone feel good about their small breasts, they put down bigger breasts. That’s not what we’re trying to do here. This one is for those of you who need a little reminder that the grass is always greener on the other side, and while big breasts are great, so are the smaller ones! 

1. You can go braless:

This is the ultimate win, as far as I’m concerned. Women with larger breasts do not have this option, and while they’re a part of a woman’s everyday life, there are days when I wish I really didn’t have to wear one. And you have that option! Aside from the comfort that the lack of this boob prison brings you, studies show that there are other benefits as well; a study in France that measured the nipple height of women over the course of 15 years showed that those who consistently forgo bras, have perkier and way less droopy boobs. The reason? Allowing your boobs to swing free actually develops the ligaments around your breast tissue so your body can provide natural support through muscle formation; bras hinder the development of these muscles since it provides external support without letting your body work for it. 

2. More bra options:

Women on the smaller side definitely have a lot more options when it comes to shopping for bras and bikinis, you ladies definitely have it a lot better! There are so many times when I’ve seen a bra in a smaller size that I’ve liked, only to have the store person tell me that they don’t make it in that size. What a bummer! If you do decide to wear a bra, you have free reign to go strapless, bandeau, cheap, expensive, demi or padded! Ah, the freedom of choice. 

3. The sex:

Ah. Science is on your side with this one; when it comes to pleasure, breast size doesn’t matter nearly as much as the concentration of nerves and tissues inside the breast. While larger boobs have an abundance of breast tissue, the glandular tissues are what really fires up your erogenous zones, and it’s easier to stimulate the glandular tissues of women with smaller breasts, since there isn’t a lot of fatty tissue to get in the way. In fact, researchers from the University of Vienna have found that smaller breasts are 24 per cent more sensitive than larger ones! If you need some more good news; smaller boobs can also handle a lot more jiggling and wiggling so you have a wider range of positions you can try out without feeling sore.

4. Exercising is easier:

Chuck the cleavage, you definitely have an easier time working out than the large chested ladies. While wearing a good sports bra- regardless of your size- is always advised, women with smaller chests have an easier time of finding the right one. The larger you are, the more difficult it is to find sports bras that will give you the support that you need. And you never have to resort to the dreaded two-bra system; it just chaffes the hell out of you. Furthermore, you don’t have to limit your workouts to exercises that are low intensity; high intensity cardio activities like running laps or jumping jacks are not a problem considering you don’t have to worry about them hitting you in the face every time you move.  

5. Less risk of breast cancer:

Studies have shown that women with smaller breasts are generally at a lesser risk for breast cancer; firstly because there is less breast tissue and also because doctors are less likely to miss a tumor during a breast exam when examining a smaller breast as it is easier to notice lumps. 

6. Less chance of breast pain:

There are perils to wearing the wrong-sized bra especially if you’re too stacked in front and smaller chested women are relatively luckier since choosing a well-fitting bra isn’t so much an issue for them than it is for the double Ds of the world. You are also saving yourself from a world of other breast related pain; chronic pain in the back, shoulders and neck region are really quite a bother. 

7. More fashion options:

You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you spot a top or a dress that looks great and you pray, pray that it’ll fit. It’s always frustrating for women with bigger chests to try on dresses that fit great everywhere else but are too stretched out across the chest. The boob gap is a real struggle! Plus, you have the option of wearing a lot more styles; camisoles, bandage dresses and low necklines are all options! 

8. Lying down on your stomach:

Imagine a whole section of women sleeping on their backs simply because they do not have another option! You can sleep wherever, and however you want to, without worrying about the discomfort that accompanies it!