What goes up, must eventually come down. Women of the world, you know what I’m talking about. No matter how perky your breasts are, by the time you hit 25, you will start noticing a slight difference in the elasticity of your breasts. We are, after all, all victims of age, and time does not do wonders for the body.

This holds especially true for women, most of whom end up undergoing several physiological changes during their lifetime; childbirth, breastfeeding and the passing of time all contribute to the eventual sag that comes about. And over time, these contribute to the loss of elasticity of collagen, the connective tissue under the skin- meaning you’re left with a pair of breasts that are more droopy than firm. Genetics play a role as well- if your mother was predisposed to having saggy breasts, there is a higher chance of the same thing happening to you.

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While time is the biggest (and toughest) enemy in this battle, there are certain lifestyle habits that we engage in- ones that might seem like they have no connection to breast health- that contribute to premature sagging; a recent study conducted by UCLA found that breast tissue actually ages two to three years faster than the rest of your body. So if you’re guilty of any of these habits, you might want to reconsider! 

  1. Crash dieting: It’s no secret that women are sometimes (made to be) conscious of their weight, and in an attempt to get results as quickly as possible, they engage in fad diets. Not only is this unadvisable because crash dieting is never sustainable, but that the constant fluctuations in weight causes the breast tissue to sag. A difference of 3-5 kgs over the year will probably not make a difference, but diets involving a drop of 15 kgs and more, over a short span in time, will definitely contribute to your breasts getting saggy before their time. 
  1. Smoking: It’s no secret that cigarettes are bad for you, but do you know that they also contribute to breast sag? Regardless of how much you smoke, you will experience a certain amount of weakening in breast tissue; the chemicals that are released from smoking reduces breast elasticity because it disrupts the flow of blood to the surface, and over time, reduces the amount of collagen as well, which speeds up the ageing process. 
  2. Over exposure to the sun: Breasts, and cleavage in particular, can get burnt easily and they absorb their share of the sun’s UV rays. This can damage the skin, make it wrinkle and age prematurely. Protect yourself from the sun and don’t over-expose your skin. Sunscreens are one way to protect yourself from the sun, but they come with their own share of problems as well, so make sure to check the composition of the one that you are using (and try not getting used to the high factor ones.) 
  1. High intensity workouts: These breasts were not meant for running. As a woman who regularly exercises, I have caught myself wishing them away sometimes, as they only serve to get in the way! The bouncing momentum from running- and other high intensity activities- over time cause your breasts to lose their elasticity and can lead to excessive sagging. That being said, one cannot reconfigure biology, so one must just take precautionary measures instead; wear a proper sports bra, one that is designed to support your breasts efficiently if you engage in high intensity workouts regularly. Furthermore, it is advisable to switch up your routine- instead of running every day of the week, engage in other activities like yoga or swimming as well. 
  2. Bad posture: Another common habit that gets in the way of having a firm bust is having a bad posture throughout the day; if you usually walk with your back hunched or sit with your torso tilted forwards, it is important that you correct these positions as soon as possible; and not just to keep your breasts firm, but also for the overall health of your back. Try to maintain a proper walking posture, with your back straight and your head held upright wherever you go. And when you’re sitting down, place your back against the back of the chair, so that the entire length lays flat against the surface. Over time you will notice a change in your body, and you’ll keep the back pain at bay as well! 
  3. An inactive lifestyle: It is important to exercise for several reasons, but also to ensure that your chest muscles stay strong, so that they can take the weight of your breasts. Women who do not engage in any physical activity regularly suffer much more, and they experience the early onset of sagging breasts as opposed to those who do exercise on a regular basis. If the muscles are not working or are not strong enough, it is not unusual for the breasts to lose their firmness and elasticity- and, as we age, the breasts become saggy. The solution? Strive to do some daily exercise, combining cardio with those localised exercises that can help you have a smooth and strong chest. 
  4. Not enough water: Your body needs a lot more water than you think, and most of us have a tendency to forget to hydrate, unless we are thirsty. Well, this isn’t a habit that goes down well with your breasts, rather, it literally makes them go down! Due to the lack of hydration, the skin around the breasts, which is already more stretched out that other places, can make it rough and dry, affecting the elasticity of the same. So drink up! 
  1. Lack of vitamins: Your breasts need a regular dose of Vitamin B and C to maintain its elasticity and guild collagen, to ensure that they stay in shape. The best way to do this is to drink a glass of orange juice in the morning, and you’re good to go! 
  2. Too much junk food: Junk food is never a good thing; every time you decide to be a little generous with the box of doughnuts or that bag of chips, you know your body isn’t in the best place. However, it’s not just your butt and your belly that gets affected, your breasts do as well! When you reach your 30s and 40s, your breasts become more fat based, meaning it’s easier for fat to get deposited there. So next time you reach for that second or third unnecessary treat, understand that it’s probably not all going to your hips. 
  1. Wearing an ill fitting bra: We have said this before, and we will say it again; wear the right size! A well fitting bra fixes most breast related problems, so you just have to make sure you’ve got the right one. That being said, there was also a 15 year old study that was published in 2013 that found that women who had never worn a bra, actually experienced less sagging than women who did! The choice is yours, at the end of the day.