To wear underwear or not to wear underwear, that is the question. 

If you’ve had this thought process running through your mind when you look at your underwear drawer in the morning, you are not alone. There are several women the world over, who prefer to go ‘commando’ for several reasons.

There is another section of women who get squeamish at the very thought of it; there are common misconceptions about going commando. Some see it as bad for your sexual health while others see it as an indication that you’re promiscuous- you’ve probably come across several sensationalised media articles on ‘celeb panty fails.’

See also:

But, at the end of the day, going commando is not nearly as big of a deal as we all think it is, mainly because you don’t really have to tell a single person you’re doing it. In fact, more women should embrace it, and here’s why! 

1. It’s comfortable:

The number one reason you should go commando is that it’s, honestly, really comfortable. It’s just you, your vagina and your pants getting to know each other better; you might experience some initial discomfort, and some chaffing, because the material of your pants is generally rougher than that of your underwear, but you’ll get used to it in no time, and once you’ve gone over to the dark side, there really is no coming back. 

2. Going commando doesn’t cause infections:

It might feel like your bare vagina rubbing right up against the inside of your pants would create a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, but that idea has long been debunked; researchers have commented saying that there is no scientific research suggesting a direct correlation between going commando and contracting infections like bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections.

3. Going commando can actually help prevent infections:

If you have lots of itching and irritation down there, gynecologists actually recommend you skip wearing underwear; a lot of women, myself included, have found that doing so really does decrease those feelings of discomfort. If you can’t find it in you to ditch underwear during the day, try doing it at night. When you think about it, vaginas are one of the areas with the most amount of moisture in the body, and a layer of suffocation -in the form of underwear- can actually make things worse, when things are already not so good down there. If your vagina is constantly covered, more moisture collects down there, which cultivates an ideal environment for yeast growth. And since the risk of yeast infections among humans has actually been increasing, it might be a good idea to start going commando ASAP.

4. No visible panty line:

The dreaded panty line. We’ve all been there, and seen the phenomenon; you underestimate how tight your pants are, and you wear a tight underwear on top- or under- that, and you’re sure to have people guessing the type, colour, size of your underwear. Could someone really be that unaware? There’s nothing more embarrassing than that panty line, but when you go commando, you’ll never, ever have to worry about it. Not only is it embarrassing, it’s also uncomfortable! 

Exercise caution, though: You aren’t safe from camel toes.

5. No wedgies:

You’ve got a sexy dress on, and you’re feeling great! But wait, what’s that digging into your butt? Do you surreptitiously try to find a space where nobody can see you- or so you think- and try to fish out that piece of cloth from your bum? Well, going commando means never again having to sneak away from a social situation to claw around inside your butt. If that right there isn’t enough of a reason, I don’t know what is.

6. When you actually need to go commando, you’ll already be used to it:

In your life, you might wear something to require you to go commando, and there’s no better way to prepare for that moment than going commando all the time. Do you take a look at celebrities on the red carpet, pulling off those dangerously high slits and wonder how they do it? Well, they’re part of the commando club! For those women who’d previously been uninitiated into the commando lifestyle, I’m sure having to do so was intimidating. But for those who were used to it, it was probably just another day.

7. You’ll feel sexier:

Sure, some girls feel sexy in a matching lace lingerie set, but what’s sexier and more risqué than being fully naked under those jeans? Nobody needs to know, but the knowledge that there really is nothing but one layer of cloth separating you from some sexy time is bound to help you feel good.

8. Your man will definitely find it sexy:

My man did. He loved that he didn’t have to go through the process of removing another layer when the situation called for it, and it even got to the point where he would be surprised if he came in contact with underwear! While not all men will be similarly enthusiastic, you could give it a shot, and maybe surprise him a little! And if you’re looking to make things a little more risque, you could always let him in on the secret when you’re outside, and watch him squirm because he can’t do anything about it! He’ll probably make up for it later though. 

9. Your pants will fit better:

Are there certain pairs of underwear you can’t wear with certain pairs of pants because they make your pants fit differently? There is a very small section of women with virtually no fat on their bodies, whereas for the rest of us, wearing underwear causes a slight muffin top. When you pair that with tight bottoms, it’s a match made in hell. Not only is it severely stuffy and uncomfortable, the pants don’t even sit right! Thongs are sometimes the solution to this, but they have the disadvantage of getting stuck in your bum, and I don’t know about you, but wedgies are really not fun. So chuck them all! Go commando and experience a new kind of freedom. 

10. Sometimes, it’s just necessary:

We’ve all been there. It’s a hectic week, and you haven’t had the time to wash a pair; you’ve run out of clean underwear and you’re too lazy to do a wash, and if you’re thinking about going back to your laundry bag and fishing out the most recent pair, DON’T. You’ll just be opening your vagina to a host of bacteria, that it can really do without. Just go commando! 

There’s no better time to start than right now. And if the thought of going about your day without such a vital piece of garment- or so society tells us- makes you uncomfortable, you should definitely start off with not wearing it during the night. There are several experts who advise against sleeping with underwear on, because your nether regions need some air as well!