Pregnancy is a gift bestowed upon every woman by nature. Since we are all human beings and our foremost goal of existence is taking forward our legacy and letting the human species survive, pregnancy in women becomes an integral part of human existence too.
Nevertheless, women have to go through various physical and emotional changes during the journey to becoming a mother. In several holy and religious manuscripts, ‘mother’ is given the highest honor. And that is the same reason why our planet is called “mother earth”.
However, no pregnancy is without complications. This gestation period is full of ups and downs but good prenatal care can better the health of the child and mother. It is interesting to see how the human species has evolved from the stone age to the age of industrialization and civilization.
Women get pregnant after marriage when they want children but due to the westernization and evolution of mankind, premarital sexual intercourse has become quite common. Although there are innumerable ways to avoid pregnancy before marriage due to societal moral policing, they do not entirely waive off the chances of pregnancy. There are a lot of confusions revolving around pregnancy because of lack of sex education. So to clarify all your doubts and provide easy solutions, we bring to the following guide that can help you understand if you are pregnant.
Missed periods?
Often women think that the first sign of being pregnant is missing periods, but that is not necessarily the case. Missed periods do not always indicate pregnancy. Many times, women’s bodies go through hormonal changes due to disorders and medical treatment for other diseases. Though missed periods can be one sign of pregnancy.
However, it is not wrong to say that the chance of pregnancy is usually tracked through the last date of the menstrual cycle. If you do not know the last date of your menstrual cycle then it will become difficult for you to assess whether you are pregnant. Furthermore, it is advisable to always track your cycle to know heavy flow and delays. If you have missed your periods, then the first thing that you have to do before trying out several methods is to consult your gynaecologist. Let’s have a look at a few more signs and symptoms to understand pregnancy better.
Signs that you might be pregnant
Pregnancy is not rocket science. Once you understand how the female body works during the pregnancy, it will not be difficult for you to assess when you are pregnant and when you are not. Following signs can help you know whether you are pregnant without any tests:
1. Cramps
Cramping us sudden sharp pain in the muscular area which makes it difficult for the person to move. Such cramps often occur during the menstrual cycle but if they are happening not during the menstruation, then mild cramping can be a sign of pregnancy. This usually happens when the uterus has conceived the foetus.
2. Spotting
The episodes of mild cramping and spotting are a result of internal bleeding. When the egg gets fertilized, bleeding through vagina is bound to occur. If the color of blood is pink or dark red then there are high chances of pregnancy and these signs cannot be ignored.
3. Body temperature
Pregnancy affects the body temperature. Most women experience high body temperature when they have missed periods. The basal body temperature also rises due to hormonal imbalances and changes in body. It is just a way for your body to show that something is changing.
4. Fatigue
You may constantly feel tired. Physical energy will be completely drained. The progesterone levels will soar which will affect your ability to work physically. But due to the release of this hormone you may feel constantly happy and have positive thoughts. Pregnancy fatigue occurs during the first 4 weeks. It is different from tiredness or laziness.
5. Increased heart rate
Increased heart rate is also a big sign of pregnancy. When the foetus starts revoking blood, the blood flow of the body increases giving rise to palpitations. However these increased heart rate episodes become common and receptive, it is a sign that you are pregnant.
6. Sensitive breasts
Often women complain of sore breasts and breast aches during periods. But when the breasts hurt or tingle before or after the menstrual cycle, you may be pregnant. They become more tender and swollen than before. The sensitivity level also increases as they get affected with the slightest touch. Breast pads can be of great help to cure sore breasts.
7. Frequent urination
Inability to control urine and frequent urination within less intervals can also be a symptom of pregnancy. The body pumps more blood during pregnancy which leads to the kidney holding a lot of fluid together. Therefore, pregnant women have to urinate frequently. It can also result in frequent leakages when you are unable to go to the washroom.
8. Incontinence
Incontinence is a condition where the muscles and nerves change in such a way that poses hindrance in urination. This usually occurs during pregnancy and menopause, so if you are urinating differently from normal days, then it is a strong sign of pregnancy.
9. Bloating and Constipation
Bloating generally happens during menstruation but it is also a sign of early pregnancy. The hormonal changes result in slowing down the process of digestion. Therefore, when you start facing the problem of constipation suddenly, then it is time for you to take a pregnancy test.
10. Back ache
Back ache is the first sign of pregnancy. This happens due to hormonal changes in the body. Massaging and resting will not be able to prevent you from this pain but if you go for yoga and stretches then it can be relieved a little.
11. Nausea/dizziness
Nausea and dizziness is a common thing, but when it is teamed up with the above signs then you can be sure that it is pregnancy. Feeling disturbed physically and mentally, frequent headaches and loss of energy are also a part of this symptom.
12. Vomiting
Undoubtedly, the first conclusion that people make from vomiting is pregnancy. However, vomiting doesn’t always mean that you are pregnant. It can be food poisoning or some other disorder too. However, since the blood vessels get dilated in the pregnancy, nausea and vomiting are common.
13. High Blood Pressure
It is important to track your blood pressure regularly. High or low blood pressure can impose stress on the heart to pump blood and result in heart attack or cardiac arrest. If you have suddenly started facing the problem of high blood pressure then there’s a good chance that you are pregnant.
14. Mood changes
The hormonal imbalances are responsible for frequent mood variations. This usually happens in 2 scenarios: one when you are menstruating and the other when you are pregnant. In the early weeks of pregnancy, mood swings are quite evident and common.
15. Weight gain
As the pregnancy progresses, you may face changes in your food habits. Some days, there may be high food aversions, you may not feel like eating anything and on either days, food cravings become extraordinary. This cycle of changing food habits can increase the intake of calories and thereafter result in weight gain.
16. Smell aversion
Any sort of hindrance in the smell sensitivity happens due to hormonal imbalances. This is not completely backed scientifically but almost all women have faced smell aversion during pregnancy. This is an important sign of being pregnant.
17. Acne
Acne and pimples are a result of disturbances in hormones. Whenever you get periods, acne or your face start happening. Apart from the kind of skin, everybody faces acne problems during pregnancy and menstruation. So if you are having acne out of the blue without menstruation, get yourselves tested.
18. Discoloration
The medical term for discoloration during pregnancy is melisma. The skin starts getting discolored and patchy. Women may also experience itchiness in different parts of the body. They may also get dark spots in the forehead, lips and even nipples can turn darker than the usual.
Pregnancy Test: When and How to take it!
Pregnancy test is a solution to provide information regarding pregnancy. Women often use a number of birth control and protection measures, this includes contraceptive pills and condoms, but there is always a chance of pregnancy since these methods do not provide absolute guarantee. That is why it is best to take a pregnancy test.
It is important to track the menstrual cycle and log the start date, duration and end date to assess the regularity and deals in periods. Infact, women are taking the help of technology and using applications to track their periods. As soon as you miss your periods, take an Over The Counter (OTC) pregnancy test. OTC pregnancy tests test your urine for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Since this HCG is only present in the body during pregnancy, you will know that you are pregnant by seeing positive results. These results are conveyed in the form of lines, changes in color and symbols.
Taking a pregnancy test is quite simple. All you have to do is buy a pregnancy test kit and follow the instructions written over it. Usually, the pregnancy is tested at home from a urine sample with the help of an eyedropper. But one can also visit a gynaecologist if she is facing trouble in doing so.
How do you deal with these signs? Tips
If you are confirmed that you are pregnant then you must take good care of yourself. To keep the child healthy and provide proper nutrition, the mother has to keep herself mentally and physically healthy. Pregnancy is the most joyous moment in any woman’s life, hence proper care will only make this gestation period more beautiful eliminating most of the complications. If you are facing the above signs and symptoms of pregnancy and you have not taken the pregnancy test yet, then the following tips can be of great help:
- Avoid drinking and smoking to keep body free from toxins
- Drink more water for nutrition and hydration
- Exercise cautiously to increase blood flow and relieve pain
- Drink extra fluids to avoid incontinence
Do pregnancy symptoms occur just after sex?
This is the most commonly asked question by the women. For women who are ferwquntly involved in sexual inrtercoaurse it is neecsaary to keep a regular track on their menstrual cycle. Any delay in periods may result in pregnancy.
However, most of the symptoms of pregnanacy do not occur right after sex. It takes a few days for the egg to get fertilized in the uterus. According to the statistics, 65% of women experience the symptoms of pregnancy after 5 or 6 weeks from their last menstruation. Therefore, if your periods are delayed by more than 2 weeks, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test and delay no further. Even if you are not pregnant, the test can give you an assurance and you don’t have to stress anymore.
Still not sure? Take the Pregnancy Quiz
Various websites offer free pregnancy quizzes in which they assess whether you have the signs of pregnancy or not based on your answers. It is advised to go for such quizzes before taking the test or consulting the gynecologist.
Now that you have the full guide to understanding pregnancy, you can keep all the suggestions from friends and aunties far far away and trust what you know.