What is the best thing to do whenever you’re feeling bored? Yes! You turn on your Netflix. The same thing can be applied in a relationship too. C’mon, we all know not all relationships are that happening these days. Plus at times you just don’t feel like roaming around here and there, or may you’re just in a mood to cuddle. Then movies are the only savior you got.  A movie date in your apartment with your boyfriend would be the pretty great way to stay in – and do something fun.

30 Movies About Friendship to Watch with Your BFF

So the movie which you’re planning to watch with him should not be too cheesy to digest or way too romantic. You’d want something which should be enjoyed by him as well. Neither you want something too engrossing that you both totally forget about each other’s awareness.

Keeping this imid, here is the list of 5 best movies which you can enjoy with your boyfriend.

That Things You Do!

“The Things You Do” was written and directed by the famous director, Tom Hanks, who also stars in the movie. Everything about this movie is totally fantastic – the story, the music, the dialogues and Tom Hanks of course.

The Princess Bride.

This true classic is worth watching once.It is the perfect movie to be watched with your boyfriend. It is loaded with fighting, revenge, true love, miracles, and all the other good things as well.

The Parent Trap.

Well, this one is a great American classic for the millennials. You must have watched it then you were a little girl, and if you haven’t, there is no harm in watching it right now. What is loved in this movie by most of the people is the wonderful story of the parents shown. Not only it is a product of supreme Disney writing, but also, it makes you believe that true love exists.

Sleepless In Seattle.

This famous Romantic comedy movie stars Tom Hanks & Meg Ryan. The dialogues used in this movie are hilarious, witty and 101% relatable, maybe that is why it is loved so much. This is the perfect one to show off your sense of humor in front of your boyfriend.

The Wedding Singer.

Showing of the 80s fashion, the clothes, the culture, the music and everything, this movie is pretty charming. Everything about this movie is so good, but the best asset of this movie is the well-written story.

These were the 5 movies you should definitely watch with your boyfriend, even if you’re not planning for a movie night. They will spark some chemistry in you both & you will have a wonderful cuddling time together.