Everybody sweats, especially in places we don’t want to admit. It’s hard enough to try and dress comfortably and look good when the the summer makes it feel like you’re living in a furnace; you have to worry about staying fresh, feeling clean and looking sexy too! If you’ve ever swiped deodorant under your breasts, stuffed your bra with tissues or made a total mess with baby powder, you’ll understand why this article is necessary, especially with the way the temperature seems to keep rising everyday!

Because, let’s face it, boob sweat happens, and it does not go with your outfit. Maybe you live someplace with sweltering heat like Ahmedabad where it stays at a cool (not) 52 degrees! Or maybe you’re traveling someplace tropical this summer. Whatever the reason, your ladies need some freshness, and we’re bringing it to them. 

Breast sweat is worse than it seems; sure, it’s marginally embarrassing to workout in a gym full of people with a pool of sweat collecting in the crevices of your sports bra. And yes, it’s equally uncomfortable to inconspicuously reach into your cleavage and try wipe away the perpetual dampness without someone catching you in the act. But this is just the tip of the iceberg; the real struggle with boob sweat is the rashes and the smells that accompany it.

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Think about it – these are deep, dark, moist crevasses, especially if you’re on the larger side- and that basically makes them breeding grounds for all kinds of fungi and bacteria. If you’re really not careful, it could also result in a painful and uncomfortable heat rash, and that’s the last thing you want in this sweltering weather. So to make it a little easier for everyone, we’re giving you a list of things that will, hopefully, keep the sweat away. 

  1. Powder is power: There are several people- men and women alike- who swear by the absorbing power of a powder of basically any kind. And there is certainly merit to this practice, after all, there’s a reason that we powder baby’s bums in an effort to prevent a diaper rash. And that’s pretty much the same way breast sweat works, you don’t want things to be collecting where they don’t need to be; rashes anywhere are a pain. Indians have been using prickly heat powder to prevent sweat for decades now, and from personal experience, I would definitely suggest doing so; not only are your breasts comparatively sweat free, you also have a cooling sensation  that accompanies it to make the heat a little more bearable! Talcum powder, tapioca powder and baby powder are also good alternatives. 
  2. Argan oil: This might seem like a strange route to take; how is oil going to help my boobs from not sweating? But sometimes you can’t explain some things. Women have tried and tested this method, and claim that it is one of the best solutions to this problem! While it’s a little on the expensive side, a small swipe of this oil to your underboob and you’ll feel good for the rest of the day! It also helps that argan oil has some antibacterial properties, it’ll keep the bacteria at bay. 
  3. Avoid padded bras: As the name suggests, padded bras are obviously full of padding; all of that extra fabric covering your breasts can make you even sweatier. What’s more, it can also soak up all that sweat that collects through the day and stain your favorite bras. Nobody wants to have to go out and replace bras over sweat of all things! On really hot days, I would advise against wearing padded bras altogether and instead stick to something unlined like a bralette, to allow as much ventilation as possible. 
  4. Deodorant: If it works for your armpits, it should work for your breasts too right? At least that is the logic that a lot of women go by and after much deliberation, I decided to give it a shot as well. It works! It’s a little strange at first, and even though it wouldn’t be my first option, it’s a good route to take. Find a deodorant that is not as chemically infused, and preferably with a neutral smell- the chemicals used for fragrances can cause a rash in combination with the sweat. If you can get your hands on deodorants that are specially designed to prevent breast sweat, even better! Unfortunately, they’re not manufactured nor sold in this country, but can easily be found online. Boobalicious is one such product.
  5. Stuff your bra: If you’ve tried this before, you’ll know it’s not the most comfortable thing. But neither is boob sweat. And I know that stuffing your bra sounds like even more sweat, but hear me out! There are girls that swear by putting tissue or absorbent pads in their bra to soak up the sweat and keep it from getting on their skin or seeping through their shirts, leaving marks that we would much rather avoid. You could also stick some tissues under your boobs, but that could be uncomfortable, and they’re never going to give you a warning when they start moving around. If you’re in a hurry and happen to have a couple of panty-liners to spare, they work surprisingly well! However, since it is 2017, and technology has given us some wonderful things, you could also do it properly and order some bra liners online! 

I hope these tips help keep those sweat circles away this summer! If these aren’t things that you can access or incorporate into your day, the easiest thing to do is just wear dark colours during the day; even if your breast is sweaty, at least the rest of the world doesn’t need to know. That being said, I would not advise taking this route, like I said, it could lead to rashes and heat boils. And we have enough things to worry about, wouldn’t you say?